Utility Services
Rates and Services Provided
Policies and Regulations for Utility Services are subject to Council Approval per City Code 110-31, 110-63 & 110-233.
Electric Service Handbook is per City Code 110-31
Water/Wastewater Handbook is per City Code 110-63 & 110-233
- The City has a commitment to provide you with the most cost effective and reliable supply of power available.
- Customer Services manages opening new accounts, closing or transfer of existing accounts, processing name changes, and mailing address changes.
Approved Rates and Tariffs 2025 can be viewed by clicking here : Rates & Tariffs Outdoor Lighting - Lighting shall be from dusk to dawn each day for all-night outdoor lighting service on private property. The City of Dover provides two lighting service classification: Unmetered - lights fed directly from the City's energy source and Metered - available at the City's discretion when it is not feasible to install from an unmetered source.
- Pole and light type will comply with current City policy and may be changed without notice .
- If the current type/style is no longer a City standard a suitable replacement will be installed and the appropriate rate will apply.
Water / Wastewater
- Customer Services manages water/wastewater customer services to include Lawn (irrigation) Meter, and Sewer Meter billing, pool, and winterization readings. All other inquires can be directed to the Water & Wastewater department at 302-736-7025
. - The City of Dover is dedicated to providing the best possible drinking water to our citizens. For more information concerning Water Quality contact the Water and Wastewater Department at 302-736-7025
- Water emergencies after hours, please call the City Dispatch at 302-736-7086
- The City of Dover provides a 90-gallon container to each residential property and trash collection service once a week.
- Trash is a non-metered service provided by the City of Dover, to customers within city limits and designated unincorporated area
- Questions concerning Bulk Trash, Holiday Pickup, Snow Removal, Yard Waste, and Recycle maybe directed to the Public Works department at 302-736-7025
DISCLAIMER: The information is prepared for you as a general guide to our utility policy. Please understand that it does not cover all circumstances and that it might not include specific details on a subject which interests you. If you have questions that are not covered here or want information on any subject, please give us a call. We are here to serve you!