The City of Dover holds a state issued permit through the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). The NPDES / MS4 permit allows the City of Dover to discharge stormwater to waters of the state. Under this permit, the City has an obligation to take efforts which improve the quality of stormwater that runs off of our streets and into waterways, such as Silver Lake and the St. Jones River.
Much of the pollution that ends up in our waterways comes from non-point sources scattered sites throughout the watershed. A non-point source is pollution that comes mainly from runoff and enters our waterways. Many of the things we do each day contribute to the pollution that ultimately enters our waterways. How we fertilize and maintain our yards, dispose of our pet waste, and wash/maintain our cars all affect the quality of the water in our rivers and streams.
The City of Dover manages its efforts to improve the quality of stormwater while maintaining environmental compliance through a written Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP defines how the City will meet the requirements of its permit. A copy of our SWMP is provided here. In order for our residents / businesses to do their part a number of helpful resources can be found below.
Stormwater is the main source of transportation for runoff pollutants to enter our waterways. These pollutants, if not kept under control, can cause flooding in the City and water quality issues. Flooding has the potential to cause serious harm and damage to houses, businesses, parks, yards, vehicles, electrical infrastructure and more. Remember: Only Rain Down the Drain!
b) Fertilizing is NOT for Spring
f) Maintenance of Stormwater Management Areas
Report illicit discharges to the storm sewer system by notifying the City of Dover: 302-736-7025 or via email at . Or in the case of an emergency notify DNREC Enforcement Crimes Hotline 800-662-8802.
To help eliminate trash entering our waterways, please put trash and recyclables into designated containers and allow the city’s sanitation division to pick-up your waste. To find the trash/recycling pick-up day for your address please utilize the following links: Trash / Recycling . Follow the directions within each link.
Dover Credits, Grants, and Appeals Manual
Below are a number of helpful links to other organizations that the City partners with. Through these partnerships we are reducing the amount of pollutants entering our streams and rivers through stormwater runoff.