Service Desk: (302) 674-7541
Open Gym Schedule Line: (302) 736-4443
Weather Line: (302) 736-7155
Pitts Recreation Center - Service Desk Hours:
General Information
The John W. Pitts Recreation Center located in Schutte Park is operated under the direction of the Parks & Recreation Division of the City of Dover. The facility is open to City of Dover residents and non-residents alike. Fees apply for classes, activities, and leagues.
The Center offers a wide variety of recreational and leisure time activities for the entire family. The Pitts Center serves area residents with diverse, affordable, high-quality recreational and leisure time activities in a safe, modern, well-maintained facility.
The Pitts Center opened on April 24, 2008. Funding for the 19,845 square foot facility was provided by the City of Dover, State of Delaware, Kent County Levy Court, Longwood Foundation, Dover Downs, Inc., Beiser-West Family, Welfare Foundation, Greater Dover Committee and George C. Wright, Jr. The architect for the project was the Becker Morgan Group and the builder was Bob Smith Contractors.
Pitts Center Amenities
Open Gym – The Pitts Center offers free “Open Gym” times, to City of Dover Residents when hours are available. A monthly schedule is posted of the Open Gym hours and hours are subject to change without notice. Staff encourages open gym users to share the courts so that everyone benefits from recreation. Open Gym periods are scheduled and restricted by age group to ensure the safety and fun of our participants. Registration is required prior to Open Gym participation. Also, children age 11 and under must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian at all times while at the Pitts Center. Call 736-4443 for the daily recorded "Open Gym" hours. Some basketballs are available for use (ID required to check out a ball), but we suggest that you bring a ball. Please note that most open gym periods are 1/2 court play, not full court
Open Gym - March 2025 Open Gym Calendar
The posted Open Gym Schedule is subject to change without notice! Call 736-4443 for current hours, updated daily!
NOTICE: Effective April 1, 2013, non-city of Dover residents will have to pay a fee to participate in "Open Gym' sessions.
What is a City Resident? City residents are defined as any person living in the corporate limits of the City of Dover. A City of Dover mailing address or zip code may or may not qualify one as a City resident.
Backpack & Gym Bag Ban - Bags are not be permitted to be carried into the gym, this includes all activities, classes, leagues and rentals. Bags must be placed in a locker (bring a lock) or left in your vehicle. Bags may not be left on the lobby or restroom floors at any time. Bags are defined at the discretion of facility staff and include backpacks, gym bags, large purses, grocery bags and coolers.
Behavior and Conduct - Any patron who does not adhere to the rules, regulations, and requirements of the Pitts Center is subject to suspension from the facility.
Rentals – The Pitts Center is available for rentals during non-program use times. Reservation policy & procedures do not permit tentative reservations or the holding of dates. Pitts Center Facility Rental Policy, Procedures & Application
Lost and Found – The City of Dover Recreation Division and the Pitts Center are not responsible for items lost or stolen at Pitts Center, however there is a "Lost & Found." Any items found on the Pitts Center premises are kept in the "Lost & Found Box" for one week.
Disability Related Accommodations – If you would like to participate in our activities and require disability related accommodations, please call our office at 302-674-7541. You may reach TTY/TDD operator services by dialing 1-800-855-1155.
New Programs/Suggestions - We continue to look for new and exciting programs to provide the community with recreation and fitness needs. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us at parks . Thank you!
John W. Pitts
The late Mr. Pitts was first elected in May 1990 to the Dover City Council. Appointed to serve as a member of the Parks, Recreation and Community Enhancement Committee, he did so for thirteen [13] years, seven [7] of which he served as chairman.
Mr. Pitts, a physical education teacher and athletic coach, offered countless youth the opportunities to learn and participate in a variety of sports. He was a leader with determination and preseverance and had an extraordinary devotion in promoting a healthy environment for our youth, teens, young adults and seniors to participate in recreational activities designed especially for them.
The Mayor and Council of the City of Dover honored the commitment and vision of John W. Pitts on September 25, 2005 by dedicating and naming the new West Side Recreation Facility to be known as the “JOHN W. PITTS RECREATION CENTER." The Pitts Center opened on April 24, 2008.