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Ordinances | ||
Ordinance No. | Ordinance Description | Status |
2025-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 582 Acorn Lane | PENDING |
2025-07 | Amending Chapter 98 by Establishing a Public Space Naming Policy | PENDING |
2025-06 | Amending Chapter 1 - General Provision by Adding Sec. 1-18. Code Board of Appeals | PENDING |
2025-05 | Amending Chapter 98, Sec. 98-5 - Duty of Tenants or Owners to Maintain Sidewalks and Landscaped Areas Within the Street Right-of-Way | PENDING |
2025-04 | Amending Chapter 70 - Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-7. - Registered Sexual Offenders | PENDING |
2025-03 | Amending Chapter 1 – General Provisions, Section 1-18. – City of Dover Service Mark | PENDING |
2025-02 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2025-01 | Amending Appendix C Downtown Redevelopment | ADOPTED |
2024-32 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-10 - Abandoned Shopping Carts | PENDING |
2024-31 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at1216 McKee Road | ADOPTED |
2024-30 | Amending Appendix B – Zoning, Article 3 – District Regulations, Section 16 – Highway Commercial Zone (C-4) | ADOPTED |
2024-29 | Amending Appendix B – Zoning, Article 3 – District Regulations, Section 19 – Manufacturing Zone (M) | ADOPTED |
2024-28 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 139 Acorn Lane | ADOPTED |
2024-27 | Amending Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2024-26 | Fiscal Year 2024/2025 City of Dover Budget Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2024-25 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Sec. 16 - Highway Commercial Zone (C-4), Sec. 19 - Manufacturing Zone (M), Sec. 20 - Industrial Park Manufacturing Zone (IPM), Sec. 23 - Agricultural Zone (A), Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, and Article 12 - Definitions | ADOPTED |
2024-24 | Amending Chapter 26 - Businesses, Article II - Licenses, Sec. 26-31. - Definitions, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines, Chapter 26 | ADOPTED |
2024-23 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article I - In General, Sec. 106-14. - Off-road Motor Vehicle Regulations | ADOPTED |
2024-22 | Amending Chapter 26 - Businesses, Article II - Licenses, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2024-21 | Amending Chapter 98 - Streets, Sidewalks, Storm Sewers, and Other Public Places, Article IX - Street Sweeping, and Article X - Leaf Collection Services | ADOPTED |
2024-20 | Amending Chapter 110 - Utilities, Article V - Storm water | ADOPTED |
2024-19 | Amending Appendix F - Fees and fines | ADOPTED |
2024-18 | Amending Chapter 114 - Vegetation, Article II - Weeds, Sec. 114-34. - Fines | ADOPTED |
2024-17 | Amending Chapter 90 - Solid Waste, Sec. 90-16. - Violations; penalties | ADOPTED |
2024-16 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire prevention and protection | ADOPTED |
2024-15 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations | ADOPTED |
2024-14 | Amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Sec. 1-17. - General penalty; separate offenses; unpaid fines | ADOPTED |
2024-13 | Committee Amendment #1 - Amending Chapter 80 - Personnel, Article IV - Pension Plans and Retirement Benefits, Division 3 - General Employee Pension Plan | ADOPTED |
2024-12 | Amending Chapter 38 - Emergencies by adding Article III - Emergency Services | ADOPTED |
2024-11 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1241 College Park Drive | ADOPTED |
2024-10 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1100 and 1110 S Little Creek Rd | ADOPTED |
2024-09 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 600 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2024-08 | Amending Appendix C - Downtown Redevelopment, Article II - Definitions, Section 4 - Target Area | ADOPTED |
2024-07 | Amending Chapter 80 - Personnel, Art. 4 - Pension Plans and Retirement Benefits, Division 3 - General Employee Pension Plan | ADOPTED |
2024-06 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation of the Dover Code Lodging Tax - Article VII - Lodging Tax, Section 102-190 - Local Lodging Tax | ADOPTED |
2024-05 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Sec 106-17 Truck Route | ADOPTED |
2024-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1079 Silver Lake Boulevard | DENIED |
2024-03 | Amending the 2019 Comprehensive Plan by Amending Map 12-1: Land Development Plan by changing the land use classification of the specific property located at 1079 Silver Lake Boulevard | DENIED |
2024-02 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Sec. 106-136 On-street disabled parking | ADOPTED |
2024-01 | Amending Appendix B – Zoning, Article 3 – District Regulations, Section 13 – Central Commercial Zone (C-2) and other sections of Zoning Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2023-13 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property - 55 Loockerman Plaza | ADOPTED |
2023-12 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property - 1617 Forrest Avenue | DENIED |
2023-11 | Amending Chapter 30 - Ethics Commission, Section 30-71 - Established; composition; removal; terms of office; vacancies; chairperson; quorum; compensation; legal counsel | ADOPTED |
2023-10 | Amending Chapter 114 - Vegetation, Article II Weeks, Article II, Bamboo and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2023-09 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2023-08 | Amending Appendix B Zoning, Article 3 Section 13, Central Commercial Zone (C-2) | ADOPTED |
2023-07 | Amending Chapter 2 - Sec 2-201 Compensation and Expenses for Mayor, Council, and Other Elected or Appointed Officials | ADOPTED |
2023-06 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Sec 106-17 Truck Route | ADOPTED |
2023-05 | Fiscal Year 2023/2024 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2023-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property - 2161 Forrest Avenue | ADOPTED |
2023-03 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property - Lands of Christina Kelleher - 273 Acorn Lane | ADOPTED |
2023-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Two (2) Properties located on the North Side of White Oak Road and West of Bayside Drive | SUSPENDED |
2023-01 | Amending the 2019 Comprehensive Plan by Amending Map 13-1: By Changing the Annexation Plan Category and by Amending Map 13-2: by Identifying the Land Use Classification of two properties located on White Oak Road | DENIED |
2022-26 | Amending Chapter 70 by adding a Section 70-12, Loitering | WITHDRAWN |
2022-25 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property- Lands of Craig, Keller, Burkett - 3 Parcels on West Denney's Road | ADOPTED |
2022-24 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - City Clerk | ADOPTED |
2022-23 | Amending Chapter 2. Administration - Article IV. Officers and Employees - Division 4. Controller Treasurer | ADOPTED |
2022-22 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article V - Finance | ADOPTED |
2022-21 | Amending Article 3 - District Regulations - Section 20A - Industrial park manufacturing zone - Business and Technology Center (IPM2) | ADOPTED |
2022-20 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article II - City Council, Division 1. - Generally, Section 2-31. - District boundaries | ADOPTED |
2022-19 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 2285 Forrest Avenue 1107 S. Bradford St. | ADOPTED |
2022-18 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2022-16 | Dangerous Buildings | PENDING |
2022-15 | Amending Chapter 70 by adding a Section 70-9, Nuisances, and amending Appendix F, Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2022-14 | Amending Chapter 22- Buildings and Building Regulations, Article X.- Rental Dwellings | ADOPTED |
2022-13 | Amending Chapter 90 – Solid Waste, Section 90-2 – Unlawful deposits | ADOPTED |
2022-12 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 630 W. Division Street | ADOPTED |
2022-11 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 2285 Forrest Avenue | ADOPTED |
2022-10 | Chapter 1- General Provisions, Section 1-17- General penalty; separate offenses; unpaid fines | ADOPTED |
2022-09 | Chapter 114 –Vegetation, Article II-Weeds, Section 114-34 - Fines and Appendix F | ADOPTED |
2022-08 | Amending Chapter 66 - Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes, and Land Lease Communities, Section 66-3 - Manufactured Homes and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2022-07 | Amending Chapter 2 – Administration, Article II - City Council, Section 2-201 - Compensation and expenses for mayor, council, and other elected or appointed officials | ADOPTED |
2022-06 | Fiscal Year 2022/2023 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2022-05 | Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2022-04 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles - Section 106-17 - Truck Routes | PENDING |
2022-03 | Amending Chapter 82 Planning - Section 82-2 - City Planner | ADOPTED |
2022-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 411 S. Governors Ave., 429 S. Governors Ave., 435 S. Governors Ave., 439 S. Governors Ave./117 W. Water St., 441 S. Governors Ave., 447 S. Governors Ave. and an Alley. | ADOPTED |
2022-01 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 166 Mifflin Road | ADOPTED |
2021-26 | Creating a New Chapter 28 - Dawdling and Amending Chapter 62 - Law Enforcement, Article II - Police Department, Section 62-38 - Police Cadet Program and Chapter 74 - Parks and Recreation, Article I - In General, Section 74-11 - Loitering | PENDING |
2021-25 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1427 New Burton Road | WITHDRAWN |
2021-24 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2021-23 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Including Property located at Raymond Street, Railroad Avenue and Grove Street | ADOPTED |
2021-22 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article IV - Public Occupancies, Section 164 - Fees | ADOPTED |
2021-21 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 317, 319, and 325 West Division Street | ADOPTED |
2021-20 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article VI - Exemptions; Board of Assessment Appeals, Section 102-183 - Tax exemption for senior citizens and Section 102-184 - Tax exemption for disabled citizens | ADOPTED |
2021-19 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 19 - Manufacturing Zone (M); Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations, Section 4.16 - M, IPM Zones; and Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Section 3 - Supplementary Regulations Applying to Nonresidential Buildings, except in IPM Zone | ADOPTED |
2021-18 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation | ADOPTED |
2021-17 | Amending Chapter 80 - Personnel, Article IV - Pension Plans and Retirement Benefits, Division 3 - General Employee Pension Plan | ADOPTED |
2021-16 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 633 Persimmon Tree Lane | ADOPTED |
2021-15 | Fiscal Year 2021/2022 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2021-14 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1617 Forrest Avenue | DENIED |
2021-13 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 4 Mifflin Road | DENIED |
2021-12 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article III - District Regulations, Section 17 - Shopping Center Development, Subsection 17.33 - Regional Shopping Center (SC-3) Permitted Uses | ADOPTED |
2021-11 | Amending the 2019 Comprehensive Plan by Amending Map 12-1: Land Development Plan by Changing the Land Use Classifications of a Series of Parcels Citywide | ADOPTED |
2021-10 | Amending the 2019 Comprehensive Plan by Amending Table 12-1: Land Use and Zoning Matrix by Adding Zoning Districts to Certain Land Use Categories | ADOPTED |
2021-09 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designations of Certain Properties to Conform with the 2019 Comprehensive Plan | ADOPTED |
2021-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 115 Fox Hall Drive | ADOPTED |
2021-07 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 630 West Division Street | DENIED |
2021-06 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article IV – Abatement of Real Estate Taxes, Section 102-113 – 4 Qualifications, (b)(2) - Qualifying Industry/Businesses by Investment | ADOPTED |
2021-05 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 92 North West Street and a Parcel on Fulton Street | ADOPTED |
2021-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1205 McKee Road | ADOPTED |
2021-03 | Amendment to Map 12-1 Land Development Plan Map - 1365 North Dupont Highway Lot 1 and 2 | DENIED |
2021-02 | Amendment to Map 12-1 Land Development Plan Map - 92 North West Street and Fulton Street | ADOPTED |
2021-01 | Amendment to Map 12-1 Land Development Plan Map - 1205 McKee Road | ADOPTED |
2020-17 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 228 Mifflin Rd | ADOPTED |
2020-16 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 630 West Division Street | DENIED |
2020-15 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 35 and 39 North New Street | ADOPTED |
2020-14 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2020-13 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 20B - Industrial Park Manufacturing Zone - Industrial Aviation and Aeronautics Center (IPM3); Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Section 21 - Public Utility Infrastructure and a new Section 23 -Wireless Communications Facilities; Article 12 - Definitions; Chapter 98 - Streets, Sidewalks, Storm Sewers and Other Public Places; and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2020-12 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article III - Stopping, Standing, and Parking, Division 2 - Metered Parking, Division 3 - Removal and Disposition of Illegally Parked or Abandoned Vehicles, Sec. 106-181 - Definitions, and Division 4 - Downtown Parking | ADOPTED |
2020-11 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article II - Fire Department, Division 1 - Generally | ADOPTED |
2020-10 | Amending Chapter 34 - Elections, Article II - Voter Registration, Section 34-31 - Requirements | ADOPTED |
2020-09 | Fiscal Year 2020/2021 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2020-08 | Notification of Rolled Back Tax Rate | ADOPTED |
2020-07 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located 679 Horsepond Road | ADOPTED |
2020-06 | Waiving Certain Charter, Code, Policy and Procedure Requirements During the COVID-19 Virus State of Emergency | ADOPTED |
2020-05 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article IX - Lodging houses and Article X - Rental Dwellings | ADOPTED |
2020-04 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article I - In General, Section 22-1 - Construction and Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals | PENDING |
2020-03 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1385-1389 McKee Road | ADOPTED |
2020-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1448 North Little Creek Road | ADOPTED |
2020-01 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Proposed Amendments | ADOPTED |
2019-22 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 4 Lakeview Drive | FAILED |
2019-21 | Adoption of the City of Dover 2019 Comprehensive Plan | ADOPTED |
2019-20 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article IV - Abatement of Real Estate Taxes, Section 102-113 - Qualifications | ADOPTED |
2019-19 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 9 - General Residence and Office Zoning (RG-O) | ADOPTED |
2019-18 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 1 - Generally, Sec. 2-201 - Compensation and Expenses for Mayor, Council, and Other Elected or Appointed Officials | ADOPTED |
2019-17 | Amending Appendix C - Downtown Redevelopment and Appendix D - Downtown Dover Business Improvement District | ADOPTED |
2019-16 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, of the Dover Code by Inserting a New Article VII - Lodging Tax | ADOPTED |
2019-15 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 20A - Industrial Park Manufacturing Zone - Technology Center (IPM2); Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations, Section 4.16 - M, IPM zones; and Article 12 - Definitions | ADOPTED |
2019-13 | 2019/2020 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2019-12 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 731 and 801 West Division Street | ADOPTED |
2019-11 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 53 North West Street and 517 West Division Street | ADOPTED |
2019-10 | Amending Chapter 90 - Solid Waste | ADOPTED |
2019-09 | 2018-2019 Budget Ordinance - Second Amendment | ADOPTED |
2019-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 878 South State Street | ADOPTED |
2019-07 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 157 Roosevelt Avenue | ADOPTED |
2019-06 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 45 South State Street and South American Avenue | ADOPTED |
2019-05 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the Northwest Side of Commerce Way and North of West North Street | ADOPTED |
2019-04 | Amending the City of Dover 2008 Comprehensive Plan, as Amended, by Amending Land Development Map 12-1 by Changing the Land Use Classification from Residential High Density to Industrial and Public Utilities on Property Located on the Northwest Side of Commerce Way and north of West North Street | ADOPTED |
2019-02 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-7 - Registered Sexual Offenders | ADOPTED |
2019-01 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 2920 North DuPont Highway (Rezoning/Annex) | ADOPTED |
2018-13 | 2018-2019 Budget Ordinances - First Amendment | ADOPTED |
2018-12 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-5 - Aggressive Panhandling and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | TABLED |
2018-11 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 971, 975, 983, 987, and 991 Forest Street, 21 and 27 Saulsbury Road, and 20 and 30 Carver Road | ADOPTED |
2018-10 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 951 White Oak Road | ADOPTED |
2018-09 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 179 Mifflin Road | ADOPTED |
2018-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 127, 129, 133 and 135 Roosevelt Avenue | ADOPTED |
2018-07 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article III - Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 1 - Generally, Section 106-130 - Wrecked, Nonoperating, or Improperly Parked or Equipped Vehicles | ADOPTED |
2018-06 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations; Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations, Article 5, Supplementary Regulations, Article 6 - Off-street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities, and Article 12 - Definitions | ADOPTED |
2018-05 | Fiscal Year 2018/2019 City of Dover Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2018-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by changing the zoning designation from BG - General Business District (Kent County zoning classification) to C-4 - Highway Commercial (City of Dover zoning classification) on that property located at 3074 North DuPont Highway, consisting of 0.69 +/- acres, owned by Jesse L. Allen | ADOPTED |
2018-03 | Amending the Dover Code of Ordinances by Creating a New Chapter 84 - Public Safety Fee | PENDING |
2018-02 | FY 2017-2018 Budget Ordinances - First Amendment | ADOPTED |
Amending Chapter 66 - Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes, and Land Lease Communities; Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 8 - Manufactured Housing (MH) Zone; Appendix B - Zoning, Article 12 - Definitions; and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED | |
2017-16 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 28 - Traditional Neighborhood Design Zone (TND), Subsection 28.52 - Neighborhood Commercial District (Fuel Pumps) | ADOPTED |
2017-15 | Amending Chapter 34 - Elections, Article III - Absentee Voting | ADOPTED |
2017-14 | Amending Chapter 30 - Code of Conduct and Ethics Commission, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines (City of Dover Ethics Initiative) | ADOPTED |
2017-13 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations; Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations; and Article 12 - Definitions (Adult Day Care Provisions) | ADOPTED |
2017-12 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, and Article 6 - Off-Street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities | ADOPTED |
2017-11 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 870-872 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2017-10 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 826 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2017-09 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 1 - Generally, Section 2-201 - Compensation and Expenses for Mayor, Council, Employees and Other Elected or Appointed Officials | ADOPTED |
2017-08 | 2017/2018 Budget Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2017-07 | Amendment to Reduce the Responses Required for Voting Eligibility from 25 Percent of the Alarms to 125 of the Alarms | ADOPTED |
2017-06 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-2 - Weapons Generally | ADOPTED |
2017-05 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 1408, 1412, and 1416 College Road | ADOPTED |
2017-04 | Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances/Budget Amendments | ADOPTED |
2017-03 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 7 - General Employee Pension Plan and Division 8 - Deferred Compensation Plan; and Article VI - Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund and Creating Chapter 80 - Personnel | ADOPTED |
2017-02 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article V - Finance, Section 2-422 - Disposal of Excess Property | ADOPTED |
2017-01 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions and Appendix F - Fees and Fines (Disorderly Premises) | ADOPTED |
2016-30 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 11-15 North Queen Street | ADOPTED |
2016-29 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 301 North Bradford Street | ADOPTED |
2016-28 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the West Side of McKee Road | ADOPTED |
2016-27 | Amending Chapter 18 - Animals, Section 18-4 - Running At-Large, Section 18-5 - Dog Licenses Required, and Section 18-10 - Same-Seizure and Impoundment, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2016-26 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article III - Standing Council Committees | ADOPTED |
2016-25 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 6 - Off-Street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities and Article 12 - Definitions | FAILED |
2016-24 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 22 - Airport Environs Overlay Zone (AEOZ), Subsection 22.4 - Exemptions, Paragraph (c) - Temporary Uses | WITHDRAWN |
2016-23 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the West Side of South Bradford Street | ADOPTED |
2016-22 | Amending Chapter 54 - Health and Sanitation, Article I - In General, Section 54-4 - Smoking Regulations and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2016-21 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 5 - City Clerk, Section 2-281 - Appointment; Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article II - Building Inspector, Section 22-31 - Office Created; Appointment; and Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article III - Fire Codes, Section 46-124 - Fire Marshal | PENDING |
2016-20 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the CIty of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 51 Roosevelt Avenue | ADOPTED |
2016-19 | Amending Chapter 22 - Building and Building Regulations; Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection; and Chapter 50 - Floods - Consolidation of Construction Code Board of Appeals and Property Maintenance Code Board of Appeals | ADOPTED |
2016-18 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 27 - Corridor Overlay Zone 1 (COZ-1), Subsection 27.66 - Building Height | TABLED |
2016-17 | 2016/17 Budget Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2016-16 | Amending Chapter 22 - Building and Building Regulations; Chapter 26 - Businesses; Chapter 50 - Floods; Chapter 66 - Manufactured Homes and Trailers; Chapter 102 - Taxation; Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles; Chapter 110 - Utilities; Appendix B - Zoning, Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12; and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2016-15 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of 14 Parcels of Property Located in Three (3) Areas: East of Leipsic Road and West of State Route 1 (Area A), East of State Route 1 and South of Pit Stop Lane (Area B), and North of Persimmon Tree Lane Adjacent to the City Limits (Area C) | ADOPTED |
2016-14 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 6 - Off-street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities, Section 5 - Supplementary Regulations for Parking and Loading Facilities, Subsection 5.3 - Supplementary Parking Regulations for Multiple Dwellings, Including Duplexes, Multiplexes, and Apartments | ADOPTED |
2016-13 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Three (3) Unaddressed Lots of a Single Parcel of Property Located Adjacent to State Route 1 and Surrounding the Intersection of Leipsic Road and Persimmon Tree Lane, and Property Located at 1229 Persimmon Tree Lane | ADOPTED |
2016-12 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 1411 and 1417 South Governors Avenue | ADOPTED |
2016-11 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article VI - Exemptions; Board of Assessment Appeals, Section 102-182 - Authority to Exempt Real Property from Taxation | ADOPTED |
2016-10 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 8 - Deferred Compensation Plan | PENDING |
2016-09 | Amending Chapter 98 - Streets, Sidewalks, Storm Sewers and Other Public Places, Article I. - In General, Section 98-10 - Speed Reduction Devices; Appendix A - Subdivisions, Article VI - Subdivision - General Requirements and Design Standards, Section A - Streets, Paragraph 1; and Appendix B - Zoning, Article 10 - Planning Commission, Section 2 - Site Development Plan Approval, 2.54 - Proposed Development | PENDING |
2016-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1102 South State Street | ADOPTED |
2016-07 | Second Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015/2016 | ADOPTED |
2016-06 | Amending Chapter 26 - Businesses, Article II - Licenses, Section 26-40 - License Issuance, Expiration and Form, and Section 26-42 - Penalty for Late Payment of License Fee | ADOPTED |
2016-05 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article III - Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 2 - Metered Parking, Section 106-164 - Violations; Penalties | ADOPTED |
2016-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 834 South State Street | ADOPTED |
2016-03 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located West of New Burton Road and the Railroad Corridor and Including the Property Located at 1436 New Burton Road | ADOPTED |
2016-02 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, by Amending Map 12-1: Land Development Plan Map | ADOPTED |
2016-01 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 1 - One-family residence zones [(R-20, R-15, R-10, R-8 and R-7)], Subsection 1.1 - Uses permitted, Subsection 1.15 - Accessory uses, limited to the following | ADOPTED |
2015-24 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of a Portion of Property Located at 1042 South Bradford Street | WITHDRAWN |
2015-23 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 904, 910, 930, 950, 956, 970, 986, and 992 Whatcoat Drive | ADOPTED |
2015-22 | Amending Chapter 110 - Utilities, Article II - Electric Service and Appendix F - Fees and Fines (Review and Maintenance of Planning and Customer Service Fees) | ADOPTED |
2015-21 | Amending Chapter 82 - Planning and Appendix F - Fees and Fines (Proposed New Revenue Sources) | ADOPTED |
2015-20 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 12 - Definitions | ADOPTED |
2015-19 | Amending Appendix C - Downtown Redevelopment, Article II - Definitions, Section 4 - Target Area | ADOPTED |
2015-18 | First Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015/16 - Project Carry-Forward Budget Balances | ADOPTED |
Amending Chapter 14 - Amusements and Entertainments; Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 18 - Recreational and Commercial Zone (RC); and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED | |
2015-16 | Amending Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article III - Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 2 - Metered Parking, Section 106-164 - Violations; Penalties | ADOPTED |
2015-15 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-2 - Weapons Generally and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2015-14 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 55 Nixon Lane and 121 Acorn Lane | ADOPTED |
2015-13 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 2 - General Residence Zones (RG-1 and RG-2); Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations, Section 4.2 - RG-1 (General Residence) Zones; and Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Section 1 - Supplementary Regulations Applying to Residence Zones | ADOPTED |
2015-12 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 35 and 39 North New Street | ADOPTED |
2015-11 | 2015/16 Budget Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2015-10 | Notification of Tax Rate Increase Over the Rolled Back Tax Rate | ADOPTED |
2015-09 | Amending Chapter 62 - Law Enforcement, Article II - Police Department, Chapter 106 - Traffic and Vehicles, Article III - Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 2 - Metered Parking, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2015-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 605, 625, 635, 645, and 655 Bay Road and 400 Haslet Street | ADOPTED |
2015-07 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article IV - Public Occupancies, Section 46-162 - Sprinkler Requirements and Section 46-171 - Fire Alarm in Place of Assembly | ADOPTED |
Amending Chapter 62 - Law Enforcement, Article II - Police Department, Section 62-32 - Chief of Police Generally (Companion Resolution No. 2015-02 Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Article IV - Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 53 - Mayor to be the Conservator of the Peace; Article (Proposing the Establishment of a Police Chief Selection Committee) | WITHDRAWN | |
FY2015 Second Budget Amendment | ADOPTED | |
2015-04 | Amending Appendix C - Downtown Redevelopment | ADOPTED |
2015-03 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article III - Realty Transfer Tax, Section 102-71 - Definitions; Article IV - Abatement of Real Estate Taxes, Section 102-113 - Qualifications; and Article V - Tax Credits for Historic Properties, Section 102-152 - Application Requirements and Section 102-153 - Application Review and Approval | ADOPTED |
2015-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 801 North State Street | ADOPTED |
2015-01 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, As Amended, By Amending Map 12-1:Land Development Plan Map, and Amending Chapter 13: Growth and Annexation Plan | ADOPTED |
2014-24 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 21 Saulsbury Road, 27 Saulsbury Road, and 983 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2014-23 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 603 West Division Street | ADOPTED |
2014-22 | Budget Amendment Related to Capital Investment Plan - Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) Carry-Forward Balances | ADOPTED |
2014-21 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article I - In General, Section 46-4 - Impact Protection of Natural Gas and LP Gas Devices | ADOPTED |
2014-20 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 10, Section 2 - Site Development Plan Approval | ADOPTED |
2014-19 | Amending Chapter 98 - Streets, Sidewalks, Storm Sewers and Other Public Places, Article I - In General, Section 98-5 - Duty of tenants or owners to maintain sidewalks and landscaped areas within the street right-of-way and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 24 - Planned Neighborhood Design Option (PND), Subsection 24.62 - Buffers and Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations, Subsections 4.10 and 4.11 | ADOPTED | |
2014-17 | FY2014/15 City of Dover Budget Ordinance | ADOPTED |
2014-16 | Amending Appendix E - Commercial and Industrial Building Redevelopment | ADOPTED |
2014-15 | Amending Chapter 110 - Utilities, Article III - Water Service, Division 3 - Water Impact Fees, Section 110-207 - Establishment of Equivalent Dwelling Units and Article IV - Sanitary Sewer Service, Division 3 - Wastewater Collection Impact Fees, Section 110-282 - Establishment of Equivalent Dwelling Units | ADOPTED |
2014-14 | Amending Appendix D - Downtown Dover Business Improvement District (DDBID), Article III - Establishment of DDBID, Section 3 Geographic Boundaries, and Section 5 - Management Company | ADOPTED |
2014-10 | FY 2014 Budget Amendment | ADOPTED |
2014-09 | Amending Chapter 50 - Floods; Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article III - Building Code, Section 22-61; and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2014-08 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning - Article 3 - District Regulations - Section 10 - Institutional and Office Zone (IO); Section 11 - Neighborhood Commercial Zone (C-1); Section 12 - Limited Commercial Zone (C-1A); Section 13 - Central Commercial Zone (C-2); Section 14 - Limited Central Commercial Zone (C-2A); Section 15 - Service Commercial Zone (C-3); Section 16 - Highway Commercial Zone (C-4); Section 26 - Commercial/Professional Office Development District (C-PO); Article 4 - Zoning Bulk and Parking Regulations; Article 10 - Planning Commission; and Article 12 - Definitions | ADOPTED |
2014-07 | New Chapter 52 - Freedom of Information Act Related to Public Records Access and amending Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2014-06 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 17 - Shopping Center Development (Permitted Uses) | ADOPTED |
2014-05 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 2 - General Residence Zones (RG-1 and RG-2), Subsection 2.4 - Conditional Uses | ADOPTED |
2014-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1205 McKee Road | WITHDRAWN |
2014-03 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, as Amended, by including text addenda to the Transportation and Housing and Community Development Chapters (As Amended by SA#1) | ADOPTED |
SA#1 to Ordinance #2014-03 | Amending Ordinance #2014-03 to remove all references to the Comprehensive Plan amendment request for property located at 1205 McKee Road, since the property owner has requested to withdraw the amendment request | ADOPTED |
2014-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 405 North State Street | ADOPTED |
2014-01 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article IV - Abatement of Real Estate Taxes; Appendix C - Downtown Redevelopment, Article II - Definitions and Article III - Eligibility; and Appendix E - Commercial and Industrial Building Redevelopment, Article II - Eligibility | ADOPTED |
2013-18 | Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2013/14 | ADOPTED |
2013-17 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the Westerly side of Acorn Lane | ADOPTED |
2013-16 | An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 508 Acorn Lane | ADOPTED |
2013-15 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 58 - Human Relations | ADOPTED |
2013-14 | An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 109 East Division Street | WITHDRAWN |
2013-13 | An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of The Property Known as Walker Woods Phase 2 Located At 28-152 Harmony Lane, 3-9 Klein Court, and 1357-1383 Walker Road | ADOPTED |
2013-12 | An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1570 N. DuPont Highway | ADOPTED |
2013-11 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Section 1-9 - Sponsoring, Consideration, Passage and Effective Date of Ordinances and Charter Amendments, Subsection (c) - Sponsors | ADOPTED |
2013-10 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 7 - General Employee Pension Plan, Section 2-331 - Form of Benefits | ADOPTED |
2013-09 | Budget Ordinances - 2013/2014 City of Dover Budget | ADOPTED |
2013-08 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 70-7 - Registered Sexual Offenders, Subsection (b) - Prohibition on Residency and Employments | ADOPTED |
2013-07 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article VI - Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund (Medicare Part B Reimbursement Eligibility Clarification) | ADOPTED |
2013-06 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article II - City Council, Division 2 - Meetings (LF&A #1 with Staff #1) | FAILED |
2013-05 | An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1174 S. Governors Ave | ADOPTED |
2013-04 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article X - Rental Dwellings | ADOPTED |
2013-03 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article XII - Vacant Buildings | ADOPTED |
2013-02 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Boundary of the Airport Environs Overlay Zone in Accordance with the 2010 AICUZ Study Published by the Dover Air Force Base. | ADOPTED |
2013-01 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section?22 - Airport Environs Overlay Zone (AEOZ) | ADOPTED |
2012-23 | FY 2013 Budget Revisions | ADOPTED |
2012-22 | Amending Chapter 114 - Vegetation, Article II - Weeds (Collection of Grass Cutting Fees) | ADOPTED |
2012-21 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 110 and 136 Rustic Lane | ADOPTED |
2012-20 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article II - City Council, Division 1 - Generally, Section 2-31 - District boundaries | ADOPTED |
2012-19 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 870-872 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2012-18 | Budget Ordinances - 2012/2013 City of Dover Budget | ADOPTED |
2012-17 | Amending Chapter 26 - Businesses, Article I - In General, Section 26-1 - Sale of Dangerous Substances | ADOPTED |
2012-16 | Amending Chapter 114 - Vegetation, to Create a New Article III - Bamboo | ADOPTED |
2012-15 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 9 - General Residence and Office Zoning (RGO) | ADOPTED |
2012-14 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 23 - Agricultural Zone (A) | ADOPTED |
2012-13 | Amending Appendix B – Zoning, Article 5 – Supplementary Regulations, Section 4 – Supplementary Sign Regulations | ADOPTED |
2012-12 | Amending Chapter 110 - Utilities, Article III - Water Service, Division 1 - Generally, Section 110-61 - Definitions and 110-67 - Private Wells | WITHDRAWN |
2012-11 | Amending the Zoning Map, Source Water Protection Overlay Zone - Tier 3 Excellent Recharge Area in the Vicinity of North DuPont Highway and Leipsic Road | ADOPTED |
2012-10 | Amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Section 1-13 - Denial of Permits or Approvals for Failure to Comply with Requirements for Payment, Actions, or Filings (Clean Hands) | ADOPTED |
2012-09 | Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2012 | ADOPTED |
2012-08 | Amending Chapter 70 - Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions - Registered Sexual Offenders | ADOPTED |
2012-07 | Creating a New Appendix E - Commercial and Industrial Building Redevelopment | ADOPTED |
2012-06 | Creating a New Chapter 59 - Juvenile Curfew | ADOPTED |
2012-05 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2012-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Properties Located at 4 Mifflin Road, 24 Mifflin Road, and 1510 Forrest Avenue | ADOPTED |
2012-03 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article VI - Exemptions; Board of Assessment Appeals, Section 102-183 - Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens | ADOPTED |
2012-02 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan | ADOPTED |
2012-01 | Amending Chapter 74 - Parks and Recreation and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2011-31 | Amending Chapter 102 Taxation, Article I - In General, Section 102-1 - Valuation and assessment | ADOPTED |
2011-30 | Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Revisions | ADOPTED |
2011-29 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 2 - General Residence Zones (RG-1 and RG-2), Subsection 2.4 - Conditional Uses and Article 6 - Off-Street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities, Section 3 - Required Off-Street Parking Spaces, Subsection 3.1 - Schedule of Requirements (Tea House) | ADOPTED |
2011-28 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 7 - General Employee Pension Plan, Subdivision I - In General, Section 2-331 - Form of Benefits | ADOPTED |
2011-27 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Regarding Exemption of Public Utilities Infrastructure from Zoning Bulk Standards | ADOPTED |
2011-26 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Section 1 - Supplementary Regulations Applying to Residence Zones, Relating to Corner Lots | ADOPTED |
2011-25 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 17 - Shopping Center Development (SC-1, SC-2 and SC-3), Relating to Permitted Uses Within the Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone | ADOPTED |
2011-24 | Emergency Ordinance Banning the Sale of "Bath Salts" Within the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2011-23 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 327 Martin Street | ADOPTED |
2011-22 | Amending Chapter 106 – Traffic and Vehicles, Article III – Stopping, Standing and Parking, Division 2 – Metered Parking, Section 106-164 – Violations | ADOPTED |
2011-21 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3, District Regulations, Section 1 - One-family residence zones, Subsection 1.15 - Accessory uses; Appendix B - Zoning, Article 5, Supplementary Regulations, Section 1 - Supplementary regulations applying to residence zones | ADOPTED |
2011-20 | Amending Chapter 110 - Utilities, Article III - Water Service, Division I - Generally, Section 110-67, Private wells | ADOPTED |
2011-19 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article I - In General, Section 102-5 - Income and expense reports | ADOPTED |
2011-18 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 601 Fulton Street | ADOPTED |
2011-17 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article III - Realty Transfer Tax, Section 102-71 - Definitions, Paragraph (a)(3) - First time homebuyer | ADOPTED |
2011-16 | Budget Ordinances - 2011/2012 City of Dover Budget | ADOPTED |
2011-15 | Amending Appendix A - Subdivisions - Homeowners’ Association | ADOPTED |
2011-14 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 10 - Planning Commission | ADOPTED |
2011-13 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1151-1155 Walker Road | ADOPTED |
2011-12 | Bicycle Licenses | WITHDRAWN |
2011-11 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article IV - Abatement of Real Estate Taxes, Section 102-113 - Qualifications | ADOPTED |
2011-10 | 2011 Budget Revision - Transfer to General Employee Pension Fund | ADOPTED |
2011-09 | 2011 Budget Revisions | ADOPTED |
2011-08 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan by replacing Map 12-1: Land Development Plan (College Road) | ADOPTED |
2011-07 | Amending Chapter 46 Fire Prevention and Protection, Article III - Fire Codes, Section 46-126 - Fire Prevention Permit and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2011-06 | Amending Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, Article I - In General, Section 46-5 - Open Burning | ADOPTED |
2011-05 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 101-405 Doveview Drive | ADOPTED |
2011-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at Railroad Avenue/Grove Street | ADOPTED |
2011-03 | Amending the 2008 Comprehensive Plan by Replacing Table 12-1: Land Use and Zoning Matrix, and Map 12-1: Land Development Plan | ADOPTED |
2011-02 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article IV - Abatement of Real Estate Taxes to Insert (New) Section 102-117 - Construction of new facility | ADOPTED |
2011-01 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 5 - Supplementary Regulations, Section 20 (New) - Solar and Wind Energy as Accessory Uses in All Zones | ADOPTED |
2010-31 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 293 Saulsbury Road | ADOPTED |
2010-30 | FY 11 Budget Amendment | ADOPTED |
2010-29 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 8 - Mobile Home Park Zone (MHP)to add Provisions Regarding Maintenance of Private Streets | ADOPTED |
2010-28 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Art 3-District Regulations, Sec 14-Limited Central Commercial Zone (C-2A) and Sec 30 - Recreational and Open Space Zone (ROS) | ADOPTED |
2010-27 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1016 and 1022 W. College Road | ADOPTED |
2010-26 | Proposed Budget Amendments - FY 2011 | ADOPTED |
2010-25 | Amending Appendix B – Zoning, Article 5 – Supp. Regulations, Sec. 11 – Environmental Protection, and Sec. 16 – Tree Planting and Preservation; and Article 12 – Definitions | ADOPTED |
2010-23 | Removing the Requirement to Step Down When Running for Other Office from the Ethics Commission, Dover Human Relations Commission, and City Council | ADOPTED |
2010-22 | Amending Chapter 18 - Animals, Section 18-16 - Keeping Bees | ADOPTED |
2010-21 | Recreational and Open Space (ROS) Zone Map Amendments | ADOPTED |
2010-20 | Notification of Tax Rate Increase Over the Rolled Back Tax Rate [Required in accordance with 22 Delaware Code Section 1105(b)] | ADOPTED |
2010-19 | Budget Ordinances - 2010/2011 City of Dover Budget | ADOPTED |
2010-18 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 9 - Board of Adjustment | ADOPTED |
2010-17 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 40-60 Ridgely Street | ADOPTED |
2010-16 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 217 and 223 McKee Road | WITHDRAWN |
2010-15 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at Saulsbury Road South of Forrest Avenue | ADOPTED |
2010-14 | Amendments to the 2009-2010 Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2010-13 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article IV - Officers and Employees, Division 7 - General Employee Pension Plan | ADOPTED |
2010-12 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, by adding a new Section 30 - Recreational and Open Space Zone (ROS) | ADOPTED |
2010-11 | Amending Chapter 26 - Businesses, Article II - Licenses, Section 26.36 - Determination of License Fee; Duties of License Officer; Refunds | ADOPTED |
2010-10 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1169 S. State Street (YMCA) | ADOPTED |
2010-09 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1059 Horsepond Road | ADOPTED |
2010-08 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the South Side of Hazlettville Road West of Wyoming Mill Road | ADOPTED |
2010-07 | Related to Creation of Water-Wastewater Handbook | ADOPTED |
2010-06 | Amending Chapter 102-Taxation, Article VI-Exemptions; Board of Assessment Appeals, Sec. 102-183 - Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens, Subsection (b)-Qualifications, Subsection (3)-Exclusions from Income | ADOPTED |
2010-05 | Amending Chapter 2 - Administration, Article VI - Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund,To Insert a New Section 2-505 - Medicare Part B Premium Reimbursements | ADOPTED |
2010-04 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located on the South Side of White Oak Road, South of Mourning Dove Lane | ADOPTED |
2010-03 | FY 2009 Budget Balances and Project Carry Forward Balances | ADOPTED |
2010-02 | Adopting 2009 ICC Codes (Building Codes) and Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Chapter 46 - Fire Prevention and Protection, and Appendix F - Fees and Fines | ADOPTED |
2010-01 | Amending Chapter 102 -Taxation, Article I - In General, Section 102-1 - Annual Valuation and Assessment | ADOPTED |
2010-00 | Business Improvement District (BID) Ordinance - Cash Receipts Budget for 2010-11 | ADOPTED |
2009-30 | Correcting Appendix B - Zoning, Article 6 - Off-Street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities | ADOPTED |
2009-29 | Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of The City of Dover by Changing the Zoning Designation of Property Located at 1051 College Road | ADOPTED |
2009-28 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 6 - Off-street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities, Section 5 - Supplementary Regulations for Parking and Loading Facilities with SA#1 | ADOPTED |
2009-27 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article I - In General, Section 102-5 - Income and expense reports | ADOPTED |
2009-26 | Amending Chapter 22 - Buildings and Building Regulations, Article X - Rental Dwellings | ADOPTED |
2009-25 | Amending Chapter 102 - Taxation, Article I - In general, Section 102-3 - Administrative reporting - Reverting the Oversight of the Tax Assessor's Office Back to City Council | ADOPTED |
2009-24 | Amending Chapter 82 - Planning, Section 82-2 - City Planner, Reverting Oversight of the Planning Department Back to City Council | ADOPTED |
2009-23 | Amending Chapter 2-Administration, Article I -Officers and Employees, Division 4 and 7; Chapter 102-Taxation, Article III-Realty Transfer Tax; and Chapter 110-Utilities, Article I-In General | ADOPTED |
2009-22 | Comprehensive Rezoning Project 2009 | ADOPTED |
2009-21 | Comprehensive Plan Amendments | ADOPTED |
2009-20 | New Business Categories and Associated Fees and Adjustments | ADOPTED |
2009-19 | Amending Appendix B-Zoning, Article 5-Supplementary Regulations, Section 4-Supplementary Sign Regulations | ADOPTED |
2009-18 | Amending Appendix B - Zoning, Article 3 - District Regulations, Section 20A.-Industrial Park Manufacturing Zone-Technology Center(IPM2) | ADOPTED |
2009-17 | Amending Chapter 2-Administration, Article IV-Officers and Employees, Division 1-Generally, Section 2-201-Compensation and Expenses for Mayor, Council, Employees and Other Elected/Appointed Officials | ADOPTED |
2009-16 | Amending Chapter 2-Administration, Article IV-Officers and Employees, Division 1-Generally, Section 2-201-Compensation and Expenses for Mayor, Council, Employees and Other Elected/Appointed Officials | ADOPTED |
2009-15 | Amending the zoning ordinance and the zoning map of the City of Dover by changing the zoning designation of property located at 101 Mont Blanc Boulevard | DENIED |
2009-14 | Business Improvement District Cash Receipts Budget for 2009-10 | ADOPTED |
2009-13 | 2009-2010 Budget Ordinances | ADOPTED |
2009-12 | Amending Appendix B Zoning, Article 3 District Regulations, Section 1 - One-Family Residence Zones, Subsection 1.15 - Accessory uses and Article 6 - Off-Street Parking, Driveways and Loading Facilities | ADOPTED |
Resolution No. | Resolution Description | Status |
2025-03 | A Resolution Authorizing the City of Dover to Participate in the State of Delaware County and Municipal Pension Plan | PENDING |
2025-02 | A Resolution Approving Abandonment of An Alley North of Minor Street | ADOPTED |
2025-01 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of an Alley North of Minor Street | ADOPTED |
2024-15 | A Resolution creating Economic and Community Development Funds | ADOPTED |
2024-14 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (139 Acorn Lane) | ADOPTED |
2024-13 | A Resolution proposing Application for Emerging Contaminants Grant Program | ADOPTED |
2024-12 | A Resolution enacting a Moratorium on Any Program Requiring Backflow Preventers | ADOPTED |
2024-11 | A Resolution enacting a Moratorium on Recreational Marijuana Related Uses | ADOPTED |
2024-10 | A Resolution Honoring the 95th Birthday of Reuben Salters | ADOPTED |
2024-09 | A Resolution approving the 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Five (5) Year Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2024-08 | A Resolution authorizing the Donation of City-owned properties to the Downtown Dover Partnership | ADOPTED |
2024-07 | A Resolution authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2024-06 | A Resolution in support of the Application for a Five (5) Year Extended Designation as a Downtown Development District | ADOPTED |
2024-05 | A Resolution approving a Letter of Commitment to American Municipal Power for its Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership Incentive Application; and authorizing other matters related thereto | ADOPTED |
2024-04 | A Resolution approving Issuance of Certain Bonds or Notes by the Robbins Hose Company No. 1, of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2024-03 | A Resolution proposing application for Drinking Water Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2024-02 | A Resolution adopting the Resolution adopted November 13, 1989 formally establishing the Dover Public Library Advisory Commission | ADOPTED |
2024-01 | A Resolution authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2023-18 | Censure of Councilman William F. Hare | ADOPTED |
2023-17 | City of Dover Gold Medal - Zachary Evans, Madison Kibler, Jaxon McCreary and Joshua Sadler | ADOPTED |
2023-16 | A Resolution to Permit the City of Dover to enter into a contract with the State Board of Pension Trustees to allow the City to participate in the State of Delaware County and Municipal Plan | RESCINDED |
2023-15 | A Resolution to Permit the City of Dover to enter into a contract with the State Board of Pension Trustees to allow the City to participate in the State of Delaware County and Municipal Police and Firefighters' Pension Plan | ADOPTED |
2023-14 | A Resolution Diversifying the City of Dover’s Fleet with Electric Vehicles | ADOPTED |
2023-13 | A Resolution Application for Wastewater Asset Management Program | ADOPTED |
2023-12 | A Resolution Application for Drinking Water Asset Management Program | ADOPTED |
2023-11 | A Resolution of the City of Dover Authorizing Execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement between the City and Verizon Delaware LLC | ADOPTED |
2023-10 | A Resolution authorizing TEFRA approval 2023 NFA PHI CAPITAL PROJECTS(112573092) | ADOPTED |
2023-09 | A Resolution supporting the submission of an application for Drinking Water Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2023-08 | A Resolution Supporting the Creation of Library Tax Districts in Kent County | ADOPTED |
2023-07 | A Resolution Approval of the 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Five (5) Year Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2023-06 | A Resolution Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2023-05 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover (273 Acorn Lane)) | ADOPTED |
2023-04 | A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $115,000 Water and sewer revenue bonds of the City of Dover For the Lead Service Line Inventory Replacement for Brandywine Court Court Condominiums Project and Authorizing all Necessary Action in Connection therewith | ADOPTED |
2023-03 | A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $60,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Dover for the Lead Service Line Inventory Project and Authorizing all necessary Action in Connection therewith | ADOPTED |
2023-02 | A Resolution authorizing the City of Dover to participate in the new National Opioid settlements and the execution of participation forms and settlement documents associated therewith | ADOPTED |
2023-01 | Ralph L. Taylor, Jr.- Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2022-11 | City of Dover Bronze Medal - Daniel Harmon | ADOPTED |
2022-10 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (1107 S Bradford Street) | ADOPTED |
2022-09 | Approving Issuance of Certain Bonds | ADOPTED |
2022-08 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover (3 Properties-West Dennys Road) | ADOPTED |
2022-07 | Supporting the submission of an application for Drinking Water Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2022-06 | Standard Income Loss Exclusion - America Rescue Plan Act Final Rule | ADOPTED |
2022-05 | Approval of the 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Five (5) Year Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2022-04 | A Resolution Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2022-03 | Matthew J. Lindell - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2022-02 | Request to the General Assembly - Charter Amendments | ADOPTED |
2022-01 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover (166 Mifflin Road). | ADOPTED |
2021-26 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover (Raymond Street, Railroad Avenue, and Grove Street) | ADOPTED |
2021-25 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services | ADOPTED |
2021-24 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 633 Persimmon Tree Lane) | ADOPTED |
2021-23 | Authorizing an Application to the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Pursuant to the Build Back Better Regional Challenge | ADOPTED |
2021-22 | Application for Wastewater Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2021-21 | Establishing that the Safety Advisory and Transportation Committee Shall Serve as the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee for the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2021-20 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2021-19 | Traci A. McDowell - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2021-18 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 115 Fox Hall Drive) | ADOPTED |
2021-17 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for Reuse Plan for the Dover (DE) United States Post Office | ADOPTED |
2021-16 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for Outdoor Wireless Camera Network - Dover Police Department | ADOPTED |
2021-15 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for the Community Center at Dover Park | ADOPTED |
2021-14 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for the Garrison Oak Business and Technology Substation in Dover, DE | ADOPTED |
2021-13 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for the Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park Business Road Connector | ADOPTED |
2021-12 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for a Fiscal Year 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending Request for Phase One of Water Quality and Expansion Initiative | ADOPTED |
2021-11 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services | ADOPTED |
2021-10 | Approving the 2021 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2021-09 | Timothy A. Slavin - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2021-08 | Supporting the Submission of an Application for Community Project Funding - Planning for the Reuse of McKee Run Generating Station Site | ADOPTED |
2021-07 | Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Apply for a Community Project Funding Grant to Develop a Reuse Plan for the Existing Dover United States Post Office Facility and Site | ADOPTED |
2021-06 | Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Apply for a Community Project Funding Grant for the Dover Park Community Building and Accessible Playground | ADOPTED |
2021-05 | Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Apply for a Community Project Funding Grant for the Dover Water Quality and Expansion Initiative | ADOPTED |
2021-04 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $1,563,000 General Obligation Bonds for the Improvements to the City of Dover HVAC Systems | ADOPTED |
2021-03 | City of Dover Silver Medal - Michael Babiak | ADOPTED |
2021-02 | Urban Community Tree Grant Program Application | ADOPTED |
2021-01 | Application for Wastewater Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2020-15 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 228 Mifflin Road) | ADOPTED |
2020-14 | Scott W. Cole - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2020-13 | Donna S. Mitchell - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2020-12 | Application for Drinking Water Matching Planning Grant | ADOPTED |
2020-11 | Approving Issuance of Certain Bonds or Notes by the Robbins Hose Company No. 1 of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2020-10 | Tanner Wm. Polce - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2020-09 | Amending Resolution No. 2016-09, as Amended by Resolution No. 2016-11 - A Resolution Formally Establishing the Economic Development Committee | ADOPTED |
2020-08 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $732,200 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Dover for the Construction of a Certain Sewer Project and Authorizing all Necessary Action in Connection | ADOPTED |
2020-07 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 679 Horsepond Road) | ADOPTED |
2020-06 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 1385-1389 McKee Road) | ADOPTED |
2020-05 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 1448 North Little Creek Road) | ADOPTED |
2020-04 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2020-03 | Approving the 2020-2024 Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2020-02 | Authorizing the Construction of up to an additional three (3) Private Wells on the Grounds of Dover International Speedway, Inc. for the Sole Purpose Supplying Additional Volume for the Shower Facility on Lot 18 | ADOPTED |
2020-01 | Requesting the 150th General Assembly of the State of Delaware to Continue Investment and Support of Wesley College as Intended by the Higher Education Economic Development Fund | PENDING |
2019-09 | Requesting the Secretary of the Navy to consider naming a United States Naval Vessel the U.S.S. Dover | ADOPTED |
2019-08 | Approving the 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2019-07 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Controller/Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2019-06 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Up to $5,700,000 General Obligation Bond of the City of Dover to Refinance Certain Prior Debt and Authorizing All Necessary Action in Connection Therewith | ADOPTED |
2019-05 | Appointing the Downtown Development District Administrator | ADOPTED |
2019-04 | Amending the Resolution Adopted August 27, 1990, Formally Establishing the Silver Lake Commission | ADOPTED |
2019-03 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 2920 North DuPont Highway) | ADOPTED |
2019-02 | City of Dover Gold Medals - Wesley Liberto and Jonathan Osika | ADOPTED |
2019-01 | Authorizing the Construction of a Private Well on the Grounds of Dover International Speedway for the Sole Purpose of a Shower Facility on Lot 18 | ADOPTED |
2018-13 | Brian E. Lewis - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2018-12 | Resolution Proposing to Change the Name of the Garrison Oak Technical Park to Garrison Oak Business and Technology Center | ADOPTED |
2018-11 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 179 Mifflin Road) | ADOPTED |
2018-10 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Controller/Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2018-09 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $4,000,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Dover for the Construction of Certain Water and Sewer Projects and Authorizing All Necessary Action in Connection Therewith | ADOPTED |
2018-08 | Proposing Inclusion of Hidden Creek into the Kent County Storm Water Maintenance District | ADOPTED |
Bond Resolution | Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Sale of $15,700,000 Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds of The City of Dover (Series 2018) and Related Matters | ADOPTED |
2018-07 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Up to $881,400 Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Dover for the Construction of Certain Sewer Projects and Authorizing All Necessary Action in Connection Therewith | ADOPTED |
2018-06 | Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 3074 North DuPont Highway) | ADOPTED |
2018-05 | Authorizing the sale of up to $18,000,000 Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds of the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2018-04 | Approving Issuance of Certain Bonds or Notes by the Robbins Hose Company No. 1 of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2018-03 | Approving the 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2018-02 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2018-01 | Service Resolution - Carleton E. Carey, Sr. | ADOPTED |
2017-14 | Dedication of Police Department Public Assembly Room to James L. Hutchison, Sr. | ADOPTED |
2017-13 | Censure of Councilman Brian E. Lewis | ADOPTED |
2017-12 | A Resolution Naming the Bicentennial Playground | ADOPTED |
2017-11 | A Resolution in Support of Delaware Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails (ORPT) Grant Application - Dover Park Master Plan and Schutte Park Phase I Improvements | ADOPTED |
2017-10 | A Resolution Proposing the "Making Dover Prosper" Initiative | ADOPTED |
2017-09 | A Resolution Vacating and Abandoning a Certain Unimproved Alley Situated in the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2017-08 | A Resolution Approving the 2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2017-07 | A Resolution Proposing the Establishment of a City Community Sustainment Fund Through Voluntary Contributions | PENDING |
2017-06 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Finance Director, and Assistant Treasurer | ADOPTED |
2017-05 | James L. Hutchison, Sr. - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2017-04 | Scott D. Koenig - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2017-03 | James E. Hosfelt, Jr. - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2017-02 | A Resolution Supporting Enactment of Legislation by the Delaware General Assembly to Enable Utilization of Tax Increment Financing and Special Development Districts within the City of Dover and Kent County | ADOPTED |
2017-01 | A Resolution Proposing the Complete Streets Policy | ADOPTED |
2016-12 | A Resolution Proposing Inclusion of Four Seasons into the Kent County Stormwater Maintenance District | ADOPTED |
2016-11 | Amending Resolution No. 2016-09 Formally Establishing the Economic Development Committee | ADOPTED |
2016-10 | A Resolution Vacating and Abandoning Topaz Circle Stub Street | ADOPTED |
2016-09 | A Resolution Formally Establishing the Economic Development Committee | ADOPTED |
2016-08 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of Topaz Circle Stub Street | ADOPTED |
2016-07 | Proposing Inclusion of Westfield into the Kent County Storm Water Maintenance District | ADOPTED |
2016-06 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Controller/Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
Amending Resolution No. 2015-16 Proposing That Council Members and Civilian Standing Committee Members Act as a Committee of the Whole on a Trial Basis | ADOPTED | |
2016-04 | Resolution Approving the 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2016-03 | Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - Property Located Adjacent to State Route 1 and Surrounding the Intersection of Leipsic Road and Persimmon Tree Lane Including Three (3) Unaddressed Lots of a Single Parcel (Lots 8,9, and 10A) and Property Located at 1229 Persimmon Tree Lane (Lot 18) | ADOPTED |
2016-02 | Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 1411 and 1417 South Governors Avenue | ADOPTED |
2016-01 | Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 1102 South State Street) | ADOPTED |
2015-16 | Resolution Proposing that Council Members and Civilian Standing Committee Members Act as a Committee of the Whole on a Trial Basis | ADOPTED |
2015-15 | Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area within the Limits of the City of Dover (Annexation - 55 Nixon Lane and 121 Acorn Lane) | ADOPTED |
2015-14 | Resolution in Support of Delaware Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund (DTF) Park Grant Application - Mallard Pond Playground | ADOPTED |
2015-13 | Patrolman First Class James Johnson - City of Dover Bronze Medal Recipient | ADOPTED |
2015-12 | Proposing Vacating and Abandoning Harmony Lane | ADOPTED |
2015-11 | Proposing Inclusion of Fox Hall West Addition into the Kent County Storm Water Maintenance District | ADOPTED |
2015-10 | Proposing Inclusion of Maple Glen into the Kent County Storm Water Maintenance District | ADOPTED |
2015-09 | Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Finance Director, and Assistant Treasurer | ADOPTED |
2015-08 | Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Five (5) Year Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2015-07 | Beverly C. Williams - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2015-06 | Adam M. Perza - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2015-05 | Wallace R. Dixon - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2015-04 | David L. Bonar - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2015-03 | A Resolution Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Article I - Powers of the City, Section 1.05 - Procedure to extend boundaries; and Article II - Mayor and Council, Section 5 - Council to be legislative body; size; districts; terms of mayor and councilmen; qualifications, Section 6 - Municipal election; dates, time, and place of elections, Section 7 - Nomination petitions for candidates for council and mayor, Section 9 - Meetings of mayor and council-Generally, and Section 10 - Meetings of Mayor and Council-Procedure | DEFERRED |
2015-02 | A Resolution Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Article IV - Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 53 - Mayor to be the Conservator of the Peace; Article (Proposing the Establishment of a Police Chief Selection Committee) (Companion Ordinance #2015-06 Amending Chapter 62 - Law Enforcement, Article II - Police Department, Section 62-32 - Chief of Police Generally) | DEFERRED |
2015-01 | Dover Prospers (Economic Greening) | ADOPTED |
2014-15 | City of Dover Gold Medal - Gale E. Voshell | ADOPTED |
2014-14 | Sean M. Lynn - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2014-13 | A Resolution in Support of Application for Designation as a Downtown Development District | ADOPTED |
2014-12 | A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to ($4,135,000) General Obligation Bonds of the City of Dover to Refinance Certain Prior Debt; Finance Street and Storm Water Infrastructure at the Garrison Oak Technology Park, Radio Equipment for Police and Fire Operations, and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Firefighters; and Authorizing All Necessary Action in Connection Therewith | ADOPTED |
2014-11 | A Resolution Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Controller/Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2014-10 | A Resolution Appointing the Vice-Mayor as Mayor until the Mayor's Position is Filled (Appointment of Mayor and Council President) | WITHDRAWN BEFORE CONSIDERATION |
2014-09 | A Resolution Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware - Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Finance Director, and Assistant Treasurers | ADOPTED |
2014-08 | A Resolution Approving of the 2014 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2014-07 | A Resolution Appointing the Vice-Mayor as Mayor until the Mayor's Position is Filled (Appointment of Mayor and Council President) | ADOPTED |
2014-05 | A Resolution Opposing House Bill 230 (the "Family Financial Protection Act") | ADOPTED |
2014-04 | A Resolution in Support of a Delaware Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund Application for the Shutte Park Improvements - Phase I | ADOPTED |
2014-03 | A Resolution Proposing April 14 - April 25, 2014 as Spring Cleanup Weeks | ADOPTED |
2014-02 | A Resolution Abandoning Budd Street | ADOPTED |
2014-01 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of Budd Street | ADOPTED |
2013-29 | Annexation Resolution - Westerly Side of Acorn Lane - City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2013-28 | Annexation Resolution - 508 Acorn Lane - Raul M. Juarez | ADOPTED |
2013-27 | Service Resolution - William M. Cooper, Jr. | ADOPTED |
2013-26 | A Resolution Vacating and Abandoning a Certain Improved Street (Harmony Lane) | ADOPTED |
2013-25 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of Harmony Lane | ADOPTED |
2013-24 | A Resolution Vacating and Abandoning the Right-of-Way Adjacent to 125 and 126 Overlook Place | ADOPTED |
2013-23 | Charles L. Witt - Death Resolution | ADOPTED |
2013-22 WITH SA#1 | Cessation of Illegal Gang Formation in Dover | ADOPTED |
2013-22 | Cessation of Illegal Gang Formation in Dover | PENDING |
2013-21 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of the Right-of-Way Adjacent to 125 and 126 Overlook Place | ADOPTED |
Bond Resolution | Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Sale of the City of Dover, Delaware Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 2013 and Related Matters | ADOPTED |
2013-20 | Ronald Shomo - Planning Commission Service | ADOPTED |
2013-19 | A Resolution Adopting the Official City of Dover Map of Record | ADOPTED |
Bond Resolution | Amended and Restated Water and Sewer Bond Resolution Providing for the Issuance by the City of Dover of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds and Related Matters | ADOPTED |
Bond Resolution | A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of up to $6,500,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2013-18 | A Resolution Expressing Support of the Greater Kent Committee and the Kent County Economic Development Roundtable and Endorsing the "Kent County Economic Development Projects to Bring Jobs and Growth to Kent County" Proposal | ADOPTED |
2013-17 | A Resolution Authorizing Controller/Treasurer, Assistant Finance Director, and Assistant Treasurers to Disburse Funds | ADOPTED |
2013-16 | A Resolution Proposing the Approval of the 2013 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2013-15 | Thomas J. Leary - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2013-14 | Robert Henry Tudor, Sr. - Death Resolution | ADOPTED |
2013-13 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover (1174 South Governors Avenue) | ADOPTED |
2013-12 | Amending Resolution No. 2012-04 which authorized bank qualified loan | WITHDRAWN BEFORE CONSIDERATION |
2013-11 | A Resolution Setting the Dates for Spring Cleanup | ADOPTED |
2013-10 | A Resolution Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Section 1.05 - Procedure to Extend Boundaries - of the City of Dover Charter | ADOPTED |
2013-09 | A Resolution Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Section 5 - Council to be the legislative body, of the City of Dover Charter (Correction to Age Requirement Language/Improve Readability) | ADOPTED |
2013-08 | A Resolution Requesting the General Assembly to Amend Article II - Mayor and Council, Section 13. - Vacancies; forfeiture of office; filling of vacancies of the City of Dover Charter (Temporary Succession/Vacancy Length Based on Election Date) | FAILED |
2013-07 | A Resolution Regarding the Abandonment of an Alley Adjacent to 235, 239, and 243 Bayard Avenue | ADOPTED |
2013-06 | A Resolution Proposing the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover and Calling for a Special Election to Be Held in the Said Area (1174 S. Governors Ave) | ADOPTED |
2013-05 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of an Alley Adjacent to 235, 239, and 243 Bayard Avenue | ADOPTED |
2013-04 | A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2009-03 - Creation of Dover Library Foundation | ADOPTED |
2013-03 | A Resolution Regarding the Abandonment of an Alley Adjacent to 971-975 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2013-02 | A Resolution Setting a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Abandonment of an Alley Adjacent to 971-975 Forest Street | ADOPTED |
2012-16 | A Resolution Approving the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover. (110 and 136 Rustic Lane) | ADOPTED |
2012-15 | Recognition of Service - Francis Nichols | ADOPTED |
2012-14 | A Resolution Designating a Redevelopment Area on Properties Bounded by U.S. Route 13 (North Dupont Highway) on the East, Kings Highway on the North and West, and Delaware Route 8 (East Division Street) on the South | ADOPTED |
2012-13 | Sophia R. Russell - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2012-12 | A Resolution Proposing the Inclusion of an Area Within the Limits of the City of Dover and Calling for a Special Election to Be Held in the Said Area | ADOPTED |
2012-11 | Adoption of American Public Power Association (APPA) Safety Manual | ADOPTED |
2012-10 | Commemorating Memorial Day | ADOPTED |
2012-09 | William P. McGlumphy - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2012-08 | A Resolution Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2012-07 | A Resolution Approving the 2012 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2012-06 | Abandoning an Additional Alley - Wesley College (Between N. Bradford Street and N. State Street Alley West) | ADOPTED |
2012-05 | A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2010-07 - Abandonment of Streets and Alleys - Wesley College | ADOPTED |
2012-04 | A Resolution Authorizing Bank Qualified Loan | ADOPTED |
2012-03 | Setting the Public Hearing for the Abandonment of an Additional Alley - Wesley College (Between N. Bradford Street and N. State Street Alley West) | ADOPTED |
2012-02 | Request to General Assembly to Amend Section 50 of the City of Dover Charter - Article IV - Financial Affairs, Section 50 - Debt Limit | ADOPTED |
2012-01 | Setting of Public Hearing - Alley Abandonment - Adjacent to the West Side and Behind 16 Sackarackin Avenue | DEFERRED |
2011-12 | Request to General Assembly to amend Article IV - of the City of Dover Charter - Levy on Utility Property | ADOPTED |
2011-11 | Request to General Assembly to amend Article I - IV of the City of Dover Charter | ADOPTED |
2011-10 | A Resolution Approving Issuance of Certain Bonds or Notes by the Robbins Hose Company No. 1 of Dover, Delaware | ADOPTED |
2011-09 | A Resolution Authorizing the Controller/Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers to Disburse Funds | ADOPTED |
2011-08 | Reuben Salters - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2011-07 | Eugene B. Ruane - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2011-06 | James G. McGiffin, Jr. - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2011-05 | Kenneth L. Hogan - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2011-04 | A Resolution Approving the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2011-03 | Approving Alley Abandonment (Improved) - Adjacent to 514 East Loockerman Street and 222 South DuPont Highway. | ADOPTED |
2011-02 | A Resolution Setting a Public Hearing - Alley Abandonment - Adjacent to 514 East Loockerman Street and 222 South DuPont Highway | ADOPTED |
2011-01 | A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $765,060 Sewer Revenue Bonds for the Construction of Certain Sewer Projects and Authorizing All Necessary Action in Connection Therewith | ADOPTED |
2010-16 | A Resolution Approving the 2010 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan Amendment | ADOPTED |
2010-15 | Ratifying and Confirming Sale of $8,810,000 Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds of the City of Dover (Series 2010) and Related Matters | ADOPTED |
2010-14 | Unimproved Street Abandonment - Girl Scout Lane | ADOPTED |
2010-13 | Unimproved Alley Abandonment - Elm Terrace | ADOPTED |
2010-12 | Setting Public Hearing - Girl Scout Lane Street Abandonment | ADOPTED |
2010-11 | Setting Public Hearing - Elm Terrace Alley Abandonment | ADOPTED |
2010-10 | Authorizing the Sale of up to $12,000,000 Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds of the City of Dover | ADOPTED |
2010-09 | Request to amend the City of Dover Charter, Art. II - Mayor and Council, Sec. 5 by Removing the Requirement for a Councilperson to Relinquish their Council Seat to be a Candidate for Mayor | ADOPTED |
2010-08 | Resolution in Support of the Local Jobs for America Act | ADOPTED |
2010-07 | Abandonment of Alleys and Streets - Wesley College | ADOPTED |
2010-06 | Authorizing Controller/Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers to Disburse Funds | ADOPTED |
2010-05 | Setting of Public Hearing for Wesley College Alley Abandonment | ADOPTED |
2010-04 | Adoption of 2010-2014 Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan | ADOPTED |
2010-03 | Amendment to Council Resolution #2008-11 - Youth Advisory Committee | ADOPTED |
2010-02 | Timothy A. Slavin - Service Resolution | ADOPTED |
2010-01 | A Resolution Stating that the Dover Human Relations Commission Urges the Delaware General Assembly to Pass a Resolution Expressing its Profound Apology for the State's Practice of Slavery | ADOPTED |
2009-23 | A Resolution Proposing Adoption of a Local Service Function Budget for Kent County | ADOPTED |
2009-22 | Abandonment of a 600-foot Portion of Galaxy Drive located between Lot 12 and Lot 22 in the Kent County Aeropark | ADOPTED |
2009-21 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Up To $2,404,017 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds (Delaware Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund) | ADOPTED |
2009-20 | Setting a Hearing Date for the Vacating and Abandonment of a Portion of Galaxy Drive in the Kent County Industrial Park | ADOPTED |
2009-19 | Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $5,942,481 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds (Revolving Loan Fund - Delaware Pollution Control Financial Assistance Branch) | ADOPTED |
2009-18 | Issuance of Temporary Residential Parking Permits to Businesses on S. Governors Avenue during road and utility construction | ADOPTED |
2009-17 | Annexation Resolution – 924 Artis Drive | WITHDRAWN |
2009-16 | Authorizes the City Planner to Approve Temporary Non-Conforming Signage on S. Governors Avenue During the Road Construction Project | ADOPTED |
2009-15 | Amendment to a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of up to $22,200,000 Electric Revenue Bonds | ADOPTED |
2009-14 | Resolution - Setting Dates for Annexation Referendum (924 Artis Drive) | ADOPTED |
2009-13 | Resolution Authorizing Controller/Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers to Disburse Funds | ADOPTED |
2009-12 | Adoption of 2009 CDBG Action Plan | ADOPTED |
2009-11 | Proposing Spring Clean-Up Week | ADOPTED |
2009-09 | Resolution - David Julian Massey, Councilman of the Second District of the City of Dover from February 10, 1964 - February 14, 1966 | ADOPTED |
2009-08 | Armstrong Barratt Cullen, Jr. - Councilman of the First District of the City of Dover from February 11, 1974 - February 9, 1976 | ADOPTED |
2009-06 | Request to General Assembly to Amend Article I - General Provisions, of the City of Dover Charter | ADOPTED |
2009-05 | A Resolution Proposing the Continuation of Existing Limits on Truck Size and Weight. | PENDING |
2009-04 | Improved National Rail Policy | PENDING |
2009-03 | Creation of Dover Library Foundation | ADOPTED |
2009-02 | Request to General Assembly to Amend Sections 47 and 49A of the City of Dover Charter | ADOPTED |
2009-01 | Request to General Assembly to Amend Article IV - Financial Affairs, Section 50 - Debt Limit, of the City of Dover Charter | ADOPTED |
Tributes | ||
Tribute No. | Tribute Description | Status |
2022-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of William Harrison Daisey | ADOPTED |
2021-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Jennifer L. Harris | ADOPTED |
2020-02 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Frederick Tolbert, Sr. | ADOPTED |
2020-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of William W. Pepper, Sr. | ADOPTED |
2019-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Dr. William B. DeLauder | ADOPTED |
2018-03 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of John "Jack" E. Richter | ADOPTED |
2018-02 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Robert M. Sadusky | ADOPTED |
2018-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Wallace R. Dixon | ADOPTED |
2017-02 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Lieutenant Steven R. Floyd | PENDING |
2017-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Joseph M. McDonough | ADOPTED |
2016-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Dr. Edward W. Goaté | ADOPTED |
2015-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III | ADOPTED |
2014-03 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon the Passing of Muriel Schwartz | ADOPTED |
2014-02 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of Millard F. Biddle | ADOPTED |
2014-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of Paul N. Kertiles | ADOPTED |
2013-04 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of John J. Friedman | ADOPTED |
2013-03 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of Bernard "Bernie" Charles Mattes | ADOPTED |
2013-02 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of Sean W. Mullen | ADOPTED |
2013-01 | A Tribute Expressing Sympathy and Condolences Upon The Passing of George J. Weiss | ADOPTED |