Increased Fees starting July 1, 2024

With the passing of FY 25 Budget came an increase in fees.

You can click on the link to read a summation of the tax and fee increases.   Public Info for Increase of Fees 2024.pdf  

Please see the message from Council President David Anderson below.

To the Dover Community

Message from The Honorable David L. Anderson Council President/Vice Mayor 4th District Councilman

Inflation has taken a serious toll on everyone and almost everything. Your city is no exception.

We are dedicated to keeping our charges in line, but we can no longer absorb the continuous increases in everything from diesel fuel to bullets. We have very modest increases that roughly track Inflation. We respect the struggles of our citizens and want to minimize our impact on those struggles. 

The two new fees are because of enormous costs imposed upon us. The EMS has increased 4 fold. It serves the entire fire district so we added the $1.50 residential fee to the electric bill because it's the fairest and least costly per household method to pay for this critical service. The stormwater management fee is due to a 4.5 million dollar mandate to obtain needed permits. The quarterly fee is designed to be the lowest possible impact on residents and small businesses. 

We apologize for the new fee, but the mandate came with no money to fund it. We hope it results in a cleaner environment for us and our children. 

Yours in Service, 

David L. Anderson

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